Sunday, September 20, 2009

Post #2 Data Correlation and Manipulation

On Thursday in Algebra 2 Pre-AP, we discussed and learned about Data Correlation and Manipulation. Data Correlation is a statistical technique of comparing if or how strongly pairs of variables relate to each other. We watched an interesting video on it where the speaker discussed how family size and life-span in different countries were related and how they changed over time. It was conveyed through a graph, and the larger the dot, the larger the population that country had.
I came upon this website just now, and thought it was very interesting and eye-opening, though I'm not sure that it relates to Data correlation directly.
This website shows a lot of different real-time statistics before your eyes and is interesting to look at. You are able to compare the rate of one to another, for example, how many bicicles are being made this year, and how many cars are being made. You can see that bicicles are being made at a faster rate than cars.
Though this is just one comparison, many many more are able to be made when looking through this website.

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